Notes from an artist trying to make her way through life in this crazy proffession

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

New Year, New Art!

Well....I have been a very bad blogger! It has been awhile but I have not forgotten about keeping up, just haven't had the chance.

New Painting!
I have begun a new painting that I am totally excited about and can't wait to finish it. It has become one of those that just comes out so easily and almost effortlessly. I know when I am on to something when that happens! I hope to finish it by the end of next week so I can get it photographed, listed on etsy, up in a store that I show my work in, and entered into a few jurried shows.

I love painting and I have been away from it for so long, following my other creative endevours, that I let it go by the wayside and almost forgot about just how much I love it. Although it can drive me quite crazy at times...

The painting itself is made up of similar leaf forms from my drawing " Study of movement and line" and has a baground of hexagons stacked like a honey comb. I have been having a constant dialog with my cousin Bianca about the pro's and con's of being an artist making a living from art work and my creativity and the giult I feel about no longer being a good worker bee amongst the workforce. I have been so sick that it's just not an option for me to hold a regular job anymore but the illness that is keeping me out of work is keeping me home where my studio is.

So, that said, I intend to finish this painting and work on more that follow this dialog that Bianca and I have been having. I intend the series to be a documentation of the struggle I have been going through and will reflect the way I grow and change and make new life plans within that struggle.

Me, Me, Me, It's all about me. Yep. That's what it all comes down to with my art. I get to be as self centered as I want to be and show it to everyone else for critique. I think I must be crazy!