Notes from an artist trying to make her way through life in this crazy proffession

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


On their way! So I adhered and glued some of the silhouettes and did some photos that are absolutely sub standard, but only because I wanted to get them on here so I can keep my word as a good blogger should.
Here are a few

Some of them I am enjoying, the others not so much. But I am going to keep cutting and trying different shaped on different types of paper. I am even thinking of painting some to give it more of a mixed media boho feel. They seem to need a little help...
So since I have gotten my little Mimi I have been a dog whisperer fool, watching him every day and I have begun the process of trying to train her and retrain Buddy (Mike's chocolate Lab) in that manner. I took Mimi for her second walk today and she yiped through the whole thing. She was barking at me, trying to get me to pick her up, biting my shoes and just whinning like the little diva she is. I am trying to do what I can to make her "un-diva-esc" but I am not sure if it will be possible.

Mike is coming home this weekend and he has decided since I haven't been romanced in awhile he is going to make some plans. At first he said that the most romantic thing he could think of was to sit on the couch next to me, let me watch QVC, and then.....let me buy something! Ummmm....No. mmmmm....ughh. Not my idea of romance. But he has done a fairly good job in the past so I am sure he will come up with something. With all of the drama that just keeps coming in my life I feel like I need a little attention and petting. Ideally I would like a spa vacation in a warm sandy beachy local but I am most like to get dinner out and a trip to Borders in the mall. least they have cold brewed iced coffee there. Lata peeps!

P.S. Here is Mimi, helping momma crochet and helping mom vacuum by putting all of her toys in front of it the second I walk away.

1 comment:

Jodie (everything vintage) said...

Hey Jen and Mimi!
Just checking on ya'll from Louisiana!!! Hope you gets LOTS of romance but don't be neglecting little Mimi in the meantime...give her a smooch for me! She is just toooooo cute!
everything vintage